In His Presence: 



As you know, the theme of our conference is "IN HIS PRESENCE."


Psalms 16: 11.  You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.


As you will discover over the next two days, we will find many things in God's Presence.  In His presence is love, joy, peace, healing, wisdom and so many blessings we can't name them all.  Many things when we "dwell in the shadow of the Almighty"

as Psalms 91 tells us.


But this morning, as one herself who has experienced a special grace, I want to talk about restoration found in His presence.   As a returning "prodigal daughter" I want to share with you this glorious gift of forgiveness and restoration.


Let's look at one of the most important and beautiful examples of restoration in the scripture.  We are going to be talking about the experience of the Apostle Peter.


We all know, or should know this story:  Pete is one of the twelve disciples. But he was also one of the "inner 3"  along with James and John.


Matthew 16 and Mark 8 tell us that Peter was the first to announce that Jesus was the Messiah.

We recognize Peter as impulsive, opinionated, rash and in his heart fiercely loyal.


We see his impulsive and outspoken nature in Mark 9:31-33 when Jesus begins to talk about His death and Peter takes him aside "chides " him. Jesus has to say "get the behind me, Satan."  Peter did not understand, but he did not want to hear or think about bad news.


We see the story of His betrayal in all 4 Gospels.

In Luke 22:31-34:

Jesus tell Peter he will encounter this but Jesus has prayed for him to endure.

"Satan will sift you."

Now imagine the turmoil in Peter's heart , while they are in the Garden and Jesus goes to pray and poor Peter can't even stay awake!!!  He along with all the others, give into his flesh and sleep.


While they were in the Garden and the chief priest and guards came to arrest Jesus, we see his impulsive nature and he draws his sword and cuts off the ear of the servant, Malchus. Then as Jesus is taken, they all flee, but Peter stays behind, following in the shadows.  Poor Peter, he is trying to sneak around and find out what is happening, but he is recognized as a follower of Jesus and questioned.  We all know the story, before the cock "crowed three times" Peter denied knowing Jesus.


His response is exactly what the Lord predicted!  And the word says he went out and wept bitterly.


So now we have poor, miserable, depressed , confused, broken Peter.  The man who is called "the rock", not knowing how he came to be here, or what to do.


I looked, but did not see him mentioned as being close , during the crucifixion.  But I am sure he was present. 


We don't see him mentioned again until the 3rd day, when Mary goes to the tomb and finds the body gone.  Then we see him racing John to the tomb to check.


Even though Jesus appears to his disciples several time, Peter is not mentioned by name.


Let's face it, he messed up and can see no way he can ever regain the trust of his fellow disciples, much less make use of what he learned at Jesus feet.  Or get back into the presence  he so loved.


I want to stop here and ask you to search your heart.  What have you done in your life that has denied the Lord Jesus.  I am sure there is someone here, who has made choices they regret and are "going through the motions," trying to get some meaning in their life.


I know in my life, it was a series of events that led to not leading the life , I know I should have.  From work schedules, working so many weekends, to not making the choice to make Christ the Lord of my life. I led a life of "worldliness" that glorified no one but me and the choices I made.  Oh, I occasionally went to church, professed to be a Christian, etc.  But I was as far from God as Peter was, just for different reasons!


Are you in that spot today??  I want you to know , there is restoration.


Let's get back to Peter.

Peter was a fisherman,  before he was called to follow Jesus.  I wonder if he did not return home to brood and worry and try to find some meaning in what had happened and what he did?   To try to "get his life back together"  somehow, someway.

Do you feel this way?


But we all know, that belief in Jesus as our Savior and walking with Him, is the only way to keep our life on track. AMEM!


So here we are in John 21.

To refresh your memory, somehow all three of the inner circle had ended up back at the Sea of Galilee.  They had been fishing all night and not caught anything.  As they head back to shore, they see a man. He tells them how to catch fish and suddenly John realizes who it is.  Peter jumps out of the boat , wades ashore and falls at Jesus feet.


Jesus has prepared a meal and after they have eaten, the healing process begins.


John 21:15-17:  So when they had eaten breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?'' He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.'' He said to him, "Feed My lambs.''

  1. He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?'' He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.'' He said to him, "Tend My sheep.''
  2. He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me?'' Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?'' And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.'' Jesus said to him, "Feed My sheep.


Jesus asks Peter 3 times ,"do you love me."  twice the word is the word for agape love.

The God kind of love, the total commitment love that demands all out devotion. Peter responds you know I do. His response is "phileo love" , true friendship and loyalty, that he did not demonstrate on that fateful night.


Then Jesus tells him to feed his lambs and tend his sheep. Sheep are tended and baby lambs are fed, he is restoring Peter to his rightful place as future leader of the new church.

Three times Peter denied Christ,  Three times Jesus demonstrated His love and forgiveness by asking Peter to say that he loved Him, how he loved Him and then gave him his mission to complete.  The account goes on to predict how Peter will die.


Today, I believe there are ladies here, who have made choices that have denied their relationship with Christ.  You are living in "limbo" waiting for some way to get back to where you belong, in His presence, where there is forgiveness and restoration. So that you can move on to experience  the joy, peace, healing, wisdom that you so long to find.


But you can't because you have denied the Lord Jesus in your life.

Let not your hearts be troubled, drop this burden and pray to Him now!