Our Time, Talents, and Treasure.

29 Devotionals on Discipleship, Lordship,

Stewardship, and Prayer


These short Devotionals are are intended to be a starting point for Christians who want to go deeper in their Christian journey.

The Apostle John said this in his third Epistle - 3 John 1:2  Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.  

Prosperity is not only financial gain, but to be prosperous in every aspect of our lives.  The word here for prosper in 3 John means to have a good journey. 

We have a part to play in this as blessings are always conditional.  We pray that these short devotionals will inspire and encourage you to take the right step in that direction.

These Studies are by no means meant to be all encompassing, but a place hopefully to be a solid starting point for continued growth in Christ.

Our prayer is that they will be a blessing and an inspiration to those who wish to grow and go forward in their relationship with Christ.

Mark and Tinsley