Psalms of the Lord


The Lord has had me meditating on Psalms 119 verse by verse. It is a slow process as I take each verse and meditate on its meaning and impact on my life. In the past week or so I have had a real heaviness in my heart over certain things in my life. As I meditated on Psalms 119:52: "I remembered thy judgements of old, O Lord: and have comforted myself." I found myself writing these words. It is the first Psalm type item I have ever received of the Lord. I was extremely blessed but humbled by God’s love for me. I pray it blesses you as it did me.                                                                                                        In Him, Tinsley Baker

Number One:

The Lord is my strength and salvation,

In Him I have my being.

He sent me the Comforter to guide my ways

and He recalls God’s Words and Ways to me.

When I am weary, tired and forlorn, I lean on God’s strength and mercy.

When heaviness and fatigue invade my soul

It is God through the Holy Spirit that keeps me strong.

I think on my ways and trust in Him, the joy of my soul.

And then I know without a doubt that God is in control. Amen.


Number Two:

(After meditating on Psalms 119:54: Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.)

The Word of God fills my very being.

It calls to mind old hymns and new songs to enlighten my soul.

As I walk through this life, which is my pilgrimage on Earth,

I delight myself with thoughts, words and songs of the Lord.

I let the songs of the Lord rise within me and I rejoice,

Knowing the keeper of my soul is near.                                     Amen.


Psalms by Tinsley Baker