In some of Dr. Lillian B. Yeomans publications, she had psalms that she had recorded as the Holy Spirit gave them to her sister. This one was based off Galatians 3:13.
Christ redeemed me from the curse of the law,
As He hung from that shameful tree,
And all that is worse is contained in that curse,
And Jesus has set me free.
Not under the curse, not under the curse,
Jesus has set me free; For sickness I’ve health;
For poverty, wealth, Since Jesus has ransomed me.
Christ paid the price of the broken law, He paid the whole price for me;
God saw not one spot, not one blemish or blot,
In the Lamb that was slain for me.
Do not abide in the ancient days, Ere ever the lamb was slain;
Take that which was given as freely as heaven, And joined in the glad refrain.