Entering into God’s Rest
Matthew 11:28-30. "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.''
Hebrews 4:9 (LB). “So there is a full complete rest still waiting for the people of God.”
Jesus promised us rest for our souls when we came, accepted Him and learned of Him. The writer of the Book of Hebrews tells us, we receive a full rest, for those who believe wholly and completely on Jesus. When we are born again we enter into God’s rest.
Webster’s Dictionary defines rest as - being at peace or ease. Isn’t that wonderful?
We as believers can be at peace and ease in Christ. No matter what you are going through, you can be at peace or ease, because as a believer, you have entered into God’s rest.
1 Samuel 17:47. "Then all this assembly shall know that the Lord does not save with sword and spear; for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands.''
2 Chronicles 20:15. “and he said, "Listen, all you of Judah and you inhabitants of Jerusalem, and you, King Jehoshaphat! Thus says the Lord to you: `Do not be afraid nor dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours, but God's.”
When we are born again, Father God wants us to enter in and dwell in His rest. He wants to fight our battles for us! In fact, when you really consider the work wrought by Jesus on the cross, the battle is already won! (Colossians 2:15).
Jesus defeated Satan in Hell, arose victorious over our adversary the devil. Satan is a defeated foe, and anything He throws at you is really a lost cause, if you will dwell in God’s rest.
How do I do that? You have to take the giant step of completely trusting in, and relying on God. You have to totally accept what Jesus did on the cross, what He accomplished for you and act like God’s Word is true!!! Actions do speak louder than words. In the case of a believer, both our words and actions are important.
We must act like and talk like the Word of God is true.
Proverbs 6:2. “you are snared by the words of your own mouth; you are taken by the words of your mouth.”
How do we act like and talk like God’s Word is true?
Psalms 94:12-13 “Blessed is the man whom You instruct, O Lord, And teach out of Your law, That You may give him rest from the days of adversity, Until the pit is dug for the wicked.”
We are to be instructed by the Lord. We need to read our Bibles every day, we need to go to a church that teaches God’s Word and be taught by men of God. We need to pray for the Lord to open His Word to us, so that we can understand the Bible. (James 1:5)
Then we will be blessed, we will dwell in the rest of our Father and He will fight our battles. He gives us rest from days of adversity; days controlled by our adversary the devil. You have to know and live God’s ways! The only way to know His ways is to study His Word, and learn them. God has given us every promise and blessing to live a restful life here on earth. But it is up to us, to get into His Word and find out what the promise are and then claim them. He promises us a light burden and easy yoke. He is not saying we will not have tests and trials, but that the burden of those tests and trials will be easy if we trust in Him, and dwell in His rest.
One of the most important promises you can stand on is found in 1 Peter 5:7.
“casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
That is an awe-inspiring verse. God loves us and cares for us! We don’t have to be burdened with problems and worries. We can cast them on Him and He will care for us!
Once you cast your cares on Him, or give Him your problems…You cannot take them back! We can’t give our problems to God one minute and then when we go to bed at night, take them back and lie awake all night tossing and turning trying to figure out a solution. Either God has your problem or you do! If you keep giving and taking the problem to and from God, you are actually stopping God from working in your behalf. Remember in 1 Samuel 17:47, the Word says the Battle belongs to God. Let Him fight it for you! You have to truly say in your heart, “Lord, I give this problem to you, I know I can’t solve it, there is no way I can solve it but I know you can.” You see, in John 4:1-4 the Word tells us “..He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” The very life and nature of God dwells in you, let that nature fight your battle for you.
Psalms 37:7-8. “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret it only causes harm.”
This is a very powerful statement. Worry causes harm! It not only causes God not to be able to work on your behalf, think of all the physical and emotional problems worry cause; loss of sleep, depression, weight gain/loss, loss of appetite or stress eating, problems with your family. Worry does not solve one problem. God does! We don’t need to lie awake and worry, fight with our family over money, juggle our bills, to make ends meet, we need to trust in the Lord and He will direct our paths! (Proverbs 3:5-6)
Psalms 16:1-2,7-9. “Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust. O my soul, you have said to the Lord, "You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You….I will bless the Lord who has given me counsel; My heart also instructs me in the night seasons. I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.’
When we put our trust in the Lord, when we think, talk and act like we trust Him, He will come through for us! God is faithful and true. Don’t let the enemy keep you in the arena of worry and doubt. His favorite battlefield is your mind. You as a believer have the right to take authority over the enemy and claim the victory Jesus has wrought for you on the cross! But if you don’t get into God’s Word and renew your mind, you will not know what rightfully belongs to you and how to use it!
Romans 12:2. “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
God may not answer your prayer or solve your problem the way you thought He should or in the time frame you thought you needed, But God is faithful and He will work for You! He is faithful to those who love Him and are called by His name. He is faithful to work in behalf of those who “have set the Lord always before them” You can’t be wishey -washey with God. It is all or nothing. You can’t just run to God when things are so bad you have no where else to go, and then once He has come through for you, answered your problems, pick up your life and go your merry way. God desires total commitment from us, He deserves total commitment from us!
We were created to be children of the Most High God. When we are born again, we are changed to new creatures and become that child. Father God cares for us and wants us to rest in Him.
Prayer for Entering God’s Rest
Father, I come to you in the mighty name of Jesus, the name above every other name.
Lord, I am troubled, I have problems, I have a problem with _________. In my flesh, I cannot see a way out, but you said in your Word, Lord, to cast my cares and anxiety on you. I give this to you Father.
I know you will show me the answers and solutions. I don’t take it back, I don’t want it back. Satan, in the powerful name of Jesus, I bind you from my problem of ________. I remind you, I am a child of God and you have no power over me! I release the power of the Almighty God, in this situation and I thank you Father, for the answer. Praise God! Thank you, Lord! In Jesus name Amen.
We have to do our part. I urge you today, if you don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior pray this prayer.
Dear Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of Jesus. Your word says, “…and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (Jn.6:37), So I know You won’t cast me out, but You take me in, And I thank you for it. You said in your Word, "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'' (Ro. 10:13).
I am calling on Your name, So I know You have saved me now, You also said, “…that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes to righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made to salvation.” (Ro.10:9,10).
I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe He was raised from the dead for my justification. And I confess Him now as my Lord, Because Your Word says, “… with the heart one believes to righteousness…” and I do believe with my heart, I have now become the righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Cor. 5:21),
And I am saved! Thank You, Lord!
I can now truthfully say, I see myself as a born again child of God!
Glory to God!!!! Amen.